Probably the one flaw that I have as a Christian is impatience. When I see other believers who have wrong takes, I know that they will eventually be shown the truth and be judged for their error. The problem is, I want them to be judged now, so that I can watch, and applaud, and shout things. It’s why I am always praying for longsuffering, for my enemies, I want them to suffer for as long as possible, also if you go to the Greek, longsuffering translates to “it’s so long that it hurts,” but my youth pastor said that a Proverbs 31 wife shouldn’t know the difference between lengths, so me and the boys should just stop worrying about it, we’ll be fine.
In the New Testament, in one of the books that deal with this sort of subject, Jesus talked about certain things. Specifically, he told us to “love your neighbor as yourself1.” Unfortunately, I am no longer able to do this, because my neighbor is no longer like myself. Everywhere I look, I am surrounded by Christians who are different than me. And when I say ‘everywhere I look,’ I mean on social media; I would never fellowship with people in real life, because you never know who could be problematic. I’m not about to have my brand canceled because someone put me on Instagram standing next to Ravi Zacharias at the Bad Bunny show.
Some believers are much more conservative than me, while others are far too liberal. I say this not to make myself feel special and important, which it does, but also for another reason, which I forgot. So, yes: I am very special. But the problem with being a thought leader is that you cannot devote yourself to one ideology; you must respond to each issue according to what is best for your brand. And this is what other Christians don’t seem to get.
Folks, let’s get to the point of the crux of the heart of the matter: if God is all powerful, why does he let people disagree with me? This is called the Epicurus Trilemma, which is a famous atheist argument invented by Richard Dawkins. (Have my team make a triangle diagram here that explains it)
As Christians, we have to stop being fearful and retreating whenever the pagan hordes use big words. This is why Starbucks won’t write JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON on your holiday cup unless you say a pronoun. We have our own fancy argument, and it is also a triangle: the C.S. Lewis Trilemma (Have team put another diagram here)
The C.S. Lewis Trilemma is a famous argument to own the atheists that was invented by Josh McDowell. It is also called the Liar, Lunatic, or Lord test, which I will explain here:
Liar: stay away from these people, they do not tell the truth
Lunatic: we used to call these people crazy, now we must say reality challenged
Lord: this is the good one
And then the atheists are owned. Another thing I forgot is exactly how that works, but here’s the thing about triangles: does anyone know what the longest side of a triangle is? Of course not. No one can tell the different lengths apart, which, when you think about it, is a lot like a Proverbs 31 wife.
*Weekly-ish articles are free; periodic special articles are behind the paywall. If you are a paid subscriber, even for a short while, thank you for making this whole thing work. To everyone, thank you for reading and sharing. Please understand that all offensive content is the fault of Richard Dawkins.
The plea from your unpaid staff is perfect!
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