reminds me exactly of the time I told my worship team that they really didn’t know whether God called me to play acoustic while shirtless. of course, you know how Gen Z is with authority and all, that they love it ostensibly, that surveys are always saying that they think self-expression is bogus. so when I said to them that God told me no shirt this time bucko, they were filled with joy, which is also a spiritual gift, because they cried happy tears, and I said God was storing up those tears in a bowl.

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Clearly this one is not chaff but a sheep, ETL. Might think of hiring him for the team in place of whomever you fired after the internal consistency issue some posts back

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These are pretty good ideas. The one medal for swimming is a definite yes, also the politics fix-all (2 thumbs way up), I'm a little iffy about the social media, like I want to get super angry and grouchy about everyone's unnecessary and incendiary vapid comments but I don't want to see everyone's privates, ya know?

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