Deft Alan Noble placement! Ha!

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This is a scandal that makes u think

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As usual, I can’t argue with any of your points!! It’s not just because I don’t understand them, it’s also because I think they sound cool, which makes them accurate.

If you ran for an elected office, I would vote for you. We could wear shirts that say Vote for Matthew. I’ll start working on the dance for your skit now.

Btw - I especially loved your rhetorical question answer.

That is the best un said thing I’ve ever not read anyone not say.

Well done sir.

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it occurs to me (after the fact) that there are two ways to read the rhetorical question joke

plz put me down for whatever the more offensive interpretation is

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I remember the mujahideen; weren't they almost the NFL champions right around Y2K? Which also buggers the question: is that why all the Kids are wearing "Y2K vibes" now? 🧐 AND speaking of the NFL, am I correctly redacting that Jesus love Kansas mostest right now? That was a rhetoracle question btdubs

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too much truth here jaimie

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Now I have to deduce that redacting question... Jesus loves that other state more

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I feel you need a disclaimer for the exploding heads viz apart from in the Mel Gibson state ordained Jesus the movie sequel, where they very well might. (For much of the movie, when disciples aren't preaching or dying or both). I also have to wonder - for American blessing Baptist Jesus was also in England, building Jerusalem in the green and pleasant land...And so if he is a little distracted, no wonder English/British men's football teams are struggling - Jesus is busy blessing the American football teams and only has enough blessing left for women's football!! And yet the sadness of the truth in your writing, no-one in political power or authority knew Him.

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I think this is meant to be a satire, especially since Billy Graham has been dead for a long time and probably never published Christianity Today. The part about the American teams is rather funny.

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Correct 🥰

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