Relatable. You speak for the most important identity, which is homeschooled. It is time (10 AM) our minority is recognized and given its proper place in the halls of power. I will happily run the Canadian campaign, in which everyone will be made to learn about boring Prime Ministers and how to make maple syrup and skin a moose, instead of coveting our neighbours’ political drama and XL fries.

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That's the way, alright

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My middle school self's special interest in presidential history is quaking in its mud boots purchased at the feed store.

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My children are pure blooded second generation homeschoolers (on both sides) and we definitely had a dinner table discussion about the Whiskey Rebellion and something about Biden tonight.

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I feel validated. Except I was a girl who spent my time thinking about boys instead of boobs. To each his own.

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i would submit that some of the homeschool girls of my era spent (almost) as much time thinking about boobs as the boys did

except it was more in the sense of intense guilt and existential dread, and the layering on of many camis

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😂 Sounds like you have some material there for a new think piece.

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Or her own, as the boobs may be.

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It hurts because it's true.

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Jaxen just reactivated my church PTSD😂

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maybe u just need some discipleship from the women's ministry leadership team: sheri, sherry, cheri, and shari

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As they lean in close, cross necklaces brushing gently against their twinsets, they look at me with condescension and false cheerfulness. Shari/Sheri/Sherry tells me that the Lord has put it on her heart to talk to me about my walk, and to provide some gentle correction. I tell Shari/Sheri/Sherry that I don’t believe she could pick me out of a lineup, much less believe her feigned concern about me. Shari tells me I’ve been given over to a spirit of disobedience and am trying to sow discord. I run screaming out of the room.

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*slow clap*

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I'll make a funnier comment later, just thinking about the location of my 20 page paper on the Vicksburg campaign that I assigned myself in 8th grade.

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"Get ready to have an opinion on William Henry Harrison, buddy." What a great line.

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That was one of my favorites, second to the one I'm going to put on the campaign button: "drink some coffee like you’re a middle-aged teenager"

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I concur on TCM, and I wasn't even homechooled.

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that gary cooper just hits different, as the kids say

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