sir, I’m afraid you’re missing an axiom, which is the basic particle of chemical elements, and a word that signals that you have nothing of substance left with which to win the argument with your wife, who was a pk: you talk big game about youth travel, sports and all the bells - the whistles, too - but you don’t, AT ALL, seemed concerned with overnight lockins. a place of which I keenly remember was the only spot I could hold Phoebe Prentiss’ hand when I was in sixth grade, unsupervised. to talk big man talk about travel ball games and missing youth church is one thing but to not mention all night lock ins, the statistical number one place to lose eternal security, is to reveal yourself a menace

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"This proves that he was homeschooled." Yes.

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When told my Sunday School—which I attended Religiously because my mother was the Vicar and that meant I had Responsibilities—that my parents had had sexes because I was Born, they said that I could play Any Sports outside and that is why I am very good at jumping.

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Just wanted to say I absolutely love these articles 😂😂 massive respect 🤣🙌

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“I did not receive an honorary degree from seminary to let other Christians think for themselves.” 🏆

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A very accurate article, except for the part about youth, the part about sports, the part about Jesus, the part about hell, and the part about quiz teams. Other than that...

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it’s like i’m always telling the restoration committee: my strength is my consistency

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Hermegesis. That's gold! 😂

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That was my fav, and it came right after Visa Visa, so I was already primed to cackle

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