Sitemap - 2022 - Evangelical Think Pieces
I assure you that I, too, have a smoking hot wife
Is it a sin for Christians to worship Santa Claus?
2022 Holiday Gift Guide for Christian Wives
RESTORATION ISLAND: Johnny come lately
2022 Holiday gift guide for Christian Husbands
I always honor women, sometimes even if they're not hot
5 things that basketball taught me
Some of my best friends go to churches where there are minorities
Attractive Christian women should know better
All of my sins are because of Elon Musk
Is it a sin to eat a sandwich?
I couldn't help but notice that you suck at marriage
Is it a sin for babies to smoke?
Should Joe Biden be allowed to join the Newsboys?
When I offend someone with a joke
Have you prayerfully considered that you might be a dumbass?
Which NFL team should sign John Piper?
What is the 6th Love Language?
Should we build another Tower of Babel?
Is the Pope Actually a Bad Southern Baptist?
Is it a sin to look at those mountains if they remind me of bosoms?
Can a Robot Become a Christian?
Who should I send nudes to? A Christian perspective
Helping readers write their sermons
Are Tim Keller and Chevy Chase the same person?
Read this Hilarious Article About When I Hurt a Bunch of Women, LOL
Where Do I Find a Christian Husband?
Where Do I Find a Christian Wife?
Summer Swimsuit Guide for Christian Women
My Official Response to My Future Scandal
Actually, My Sins Aren't as Bad as Yours
Is it Biblical to Read Your Bible?